Our Mission
The mission of Lincoln Elementary School is to ensure that all of our students can and will learn and succeed to their fullest potential. We believe that we must work especially hard to meet the needs of our diverse student population in order to continue the “Traditions of Excellence” that have long been our trademark. We recognize that it is our responsibility to prepare all students for success. Our educational team believes that each of our students should be given the best possible opportunity to attain their highest potential by a solid focus on state standards and 21st century learning skills. We recognize that family involvement is critical to the success of all students, and that the power of family involvement is only as effective as our efforts to engage them in the educational process. We believe that as a team, we must join together in order to provide each and every one of our students with the learning, work and life skills necessary for life-long success.
What to Expect on the First Day of School.
First Day: August 15, 2024 Time: School begins at 8:10 and ends at 2:15.
Please see our detailed schedule below.
Student Drop Off - August 15th First Day of School
7:30 AM Front Gate Opens (Students arriving before 7:45 AM will report to the cafeteria)
7:45 AM Back and Side Gates Open
7:45 AM Classroom Doors Open (Families may walk their students to their classrooms on the first day. For the remainder of the school year, students must be dropped off at the gate.)
8:05 AM First Bell
8:10 AM Second Bell - Instruction Begins
Student Pick Up - August 17th First Day of School
2:15 PM Student dismissal
2:15 PM - 2:30 PM Front, Back, and Side Gates Open for Pickup
Please see our bell schedule tab for information regarding the remainder of the school year.
Arrival and Drop-Off:
On the first day of school, we recommend arriving a few minutes early to allow for a relaxed drop-off experience. Our staff and teachers will be present to greet you and your child, answer any questions you may have, and guide them to their classrooms. (Families may walk their students to their classrooms on the first day. For the remainder of the school year, students must be dropped off at the gate.) Please communicate with your child and your child’s teacher about how they will get home on the first day of school and how they will get home the remainder of the school year.
Classroom Assignments:
Your child's class assignment is posted on our Aeries platform and is available to families on August 1st. Please check the classroom lists to find out the teacher your child has been assigned to for the academic year. Our teachers are enthusiastic and dedicated to creating a positive learning environment for all students.
Orientation and Welcome:
To ensure a seamless transition, we have a Back to School Night for students and families. This will allow you to meet your child's teacher and take this opportunity to introduce yourselves before the first day.
If your child is taking the school bus, ensure they are at the bus stop a few minutes before the designated time. For carpooling parents, kindly adhere to the school's drop-off and pick-up procedures to ensure the safety of all students. We do not have supervision before 7:30. Please do not leave students unattended at the school before this time.
As we begin this academic journey together, please know that our team is committed to providing the best possible educational experience for your child. We look forward to building a strong partnership with you and fostering a nurturing and engaging environment for every student.
We are excited to make this a fantastic year of growth and learning!
Early Literacy
Learning to read is one of the most important skills and serves as a basic building block for learning.
21st Century Learning
The time to begin preparing children for the challenges and demands of the future is now. We live in an age of rapid change. Advances in technology continue to create new opportunities for the future.
Parent and Family Engagement
When parents/families and teachers work together to establish a thriving classroom, the effect on their students is profound.
Recommended Resources
All of our recommended links and resources are designed to encourage parents and children to engage together in meaningful play and age appropriate activities.